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Press Here for Morning Sickness Relief!

Morning sickness is one of the most common symptom for pregnant women. Acupressure can help!

From a Chinese medicine perspective, the dramatic and profound changes occurring during pregnancy are caused by the redirection of energy and blood to nourish the growing baby. When the energy of the meridians are disordered, it can interfere with the normal descending action of the Stomach energy, leading to nausea and vomiting. Acupuncture and acupressure have been used effectively offering great results in the treatment of morning sickness, providing a real alternative to just putting up with feeling sick all the time.

To calm down morning sickness, try this acupressure technique: Hold your left arm out, palm facing up. Place your right thumb on the center of your left wrist (about two inches below your hand) and press for one minute. Repeat on your other wrist. Acupressure at this point, known as PC-6 or “Inner Gate”, can provide near-immediate relief from nausea.


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