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Moxibustion May Help Your Breech Baby Turn.

Moxibustion, or moxa, is a method of warming points using the herb mugwort. This technique has been a part of acupuncture therapy for 2000 years, and is an essential tool in Traditional Chinese medicine.

Moxa provides gentle warmth to specific acupuncture points that help increase circulation and stimulates the body’s energy to help the baby turn into an optimal, head-down position.

Women with a breech presentation may seek treatment with moxibustion from 32–38 weeks but it is preferably performed around 34 weeks of pregnancy. The baby at this stage is small enough to turn and big enough to remain in the head-down position.

At Root Fertility & Wellness, my approach combines in-person moxibustion training with at-home moxibustion to help breech babies turn. I also recommend acupuncture focused on helping release any tension in the back or pelvis that may be preventing your baby from turning.


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