Acupuncture and Chinese medicine provide a safe, gentle way to nurture and care for your health, and that of your baby, throughout your pregnancy and beyond.
Regular balancing treatments throughout your pregnancy can enhance your health as well as your baby’s health, potentially preventing complications, and positively influencing the development of your baby.
Acupuncture can support your health throughout your entire pregnancy. Treatments during the First trimester help set the foundation for a healthy pregnancy. Acupuncture has been shown to alleviate common complaints like morning sickness, vomiting, fatigue, and headaches.
Acupuncture during the Second and Third trimesters can offer relief and balances the body from common issues such as heartburn, hemorrhoids, stress, sleep problems, edema, elevated blood pressure, and excessive weight gain. Treatments can also help relieve the physical discomfort also associated with later pregnancy, like sciatica and low back pain.
Acupuncture can also be very helpful to prepares the body for labor and delivery. Acupuncture and acupressure can even be used to help control pain, calm the mind, and reduce stress during delivery.
Once your baby has arrived, it is important to recover properly after childbirth. Acupuncture treatments also can help you heal and regain your strength and vitality, rebalance your energy, and address concerns such as pain, postpartum depression, and lactation issues.