Labor-Support Acupuncture is a wonderful tool to help for preparing your body and mind for labor and delivery.
Labor-Support Acupuncture is a series of 4-5 weekly treatments beginning at week 36 of your pregnancy that are designed to help your body go into labor on time, and for labor to progress normally and without complication once it begins.
Labor-Support Acupuncture can increase vaginal birth rates, reduce the need for epidurals, emergency C-sections, and shorten the time you spend in active labor. It is not labor induction and will not bring on labor. The baby is in control of his or her arrival date.
In addition to labor support benefits, acupuncture can also be able to address any stress or symptoms that you might be experiencing in the last few weeks. Acupuncture can be useful for swelling, back/hip pain, acid reflux, headaches, and many other common late pregnancy symptoms. Acupuncture can also be used to encourage breech babies to turn!