This ancient technique has been shown to significantly improve success rates.
Acupuncture improves blood flow to your reproductive organs.
Increased ovarian blood flow may help with your response to fertility medications. Increased uterine blood flood helps ensure a thick uterine lining and provides for an ideal environment for implantation. Improved blood flow can also help optimize egg quality.
Acupuncture reduces stress.
Acupuncture leads to relaxed muscles, breathing to slow, and to peace of mind. The calm response from acupuncture helps IVF patients feel more relaxed during fertility treatments and, as a result, also feel more “in control”. Stress hormones can interfere with ovulation and implantation and the stress response can also lead to a reduction of blood flow to reproductive organs, so relaxation from acupuncture indirectly helps with nourishing your ovaries and uterine lining.
Acupuncture improves your odds of having a baby with IVF.
The research on IVF acupuncture shows increased success seems to be related to the number of acupuncture sessions leading up to transfer day. In recent studies, women who added more acupuncture sessions were more likely to have a baby compared to women do did IVF alone (no acupuncture) or just acupuncture on transfer day. The studies vary from 3-15 sessions leading to transfer day to increase the odds of having a baby through IVF.